This is a new year, and I had full intentions of posting this on the 1st. It looks like I'm starting the year off by still not being real consistent with my blogging. I should have resolved to work on this. I have a post in my head every single day, but I seldom get them typed. So... for the 12th of January, here is my beginning of the new year post.
I have decided this year I will have a new focus. Last year I focused on having a baby. It consumed my every thought. When looking back on our new year's resolutions from last year, Tim and I saw that we both set our main resolution as getting pregnant. The longer it went without happening, the more depressed we both got. I decided this year I would redirect that focus. Rather than trying so hard to get pregnant, I would focus on being consistent with yoga, organic eating, and other things that will prepare my body for a pregnancy. The problem has been our schedule with our reproductive endocrinologist. I've been forced to focus on it some. They scheduled our next testing to begin January 4th. I quit temping, charting, and I planned to quit OPKing (ovulation predictor kit), but the opk has not worked. It is all for good reason, though. I was tested on the 4th, and everything turned out really good. Tim was tested on the 9th, and my HSG dye test was scheduled for the 10th. We were extremely nervous about Tim's tests because of his injuries and medications. We are still thanking God for getting good results all around! We could not be happier. Yesterday we met with our RE to discuss our next step. He gave the go ahead for insemination. He said in our case we should start with a few rounds of natural insemination. If it doesn't work, then we'll add meds into the mix. We're too late in this cycle, so we'll attempt our first IUI in February. Wish us luck!!!
Last year I tried to fix things out of my control. I focused on fixing the way a particular person treated someone I love. I realized that it did nothing but stress me out. I tried to show someone who has ill feelings toward me for no logical reason that I am really a good person, and there is no need to treat me that way. The nicer I was, the madder this person got. I finally was informed that this person wants me to be bad, and it makes them mad when I prove them wrong. Those feelings are out of my control. All I can do is continue to do the right thing, pray about it, and let God take it from there. Some of my husband's problems are out of my control. Though I can help in some areas (and I believe we made HUGE strides in MANY areas last year) there are some areas that are out of my control. I must quit focusing on those and letting them stress me out.
Instead, this year I will focus on things that are in my control:
My fitness is in my control. I will not kill myself in the gym. I will not overdo my workouts. I will not train for any intense competitions... yet. I will do what is best for my body to make it baby-ready, and I will be consistent with it. I will allow myself the opportunity to get back my former love for fitness.
Finances are in my control, and I will continue to work hard to make sure we are on a good path financially so we do not add stress to our life in that area. I will be organized (I'm a little ocd when it comes to this), and I will be consistent in my budget tracking.
Career aspirations are in my control, and I will continue to work toward them. I will allow enough flexibility so I can change as I see fit, yet I will remain focused enough to reach my goals.
Fun is in my control. I will focus on having fun more rather than being so rigid. I have a tendency to focus on "things that need to be done." I will adapt the motto "Work hard, play harder." I will allow time for fun and entertainment.
Most importantly, my relationship with God is in my control. I will maintain a relationship with Him, growing closer to Him by the day.
So... there you have it! I didn't list all of my goals. They are going to remain private for now. I simply told my new focus.
Now I want to hear it! What did y'all plan for the new year???
My goal is to drink more water and get more exercise!