We did have a wonderful surprise at the front door earlier. Our 2 year old nephew who lives down the street rode his tricycle up to our house (with his daddy walking right beside him, of course). I have to share the picture of him wearing his helmet on his tricycle.
Is he not the cutest thing ever??? :-)
This morning while I was resting on the couch baby Brantley decided to do a little kung fu fighting in my belly. My brother and sister-in-law in California aren't around to be able to feel him kick, so I had to take a video to send to them. If you watch at about 7-8 seconds in you will see him kick on the right side of my belly, then he does a double kick about 15 seconds later, and then another one happens at about 35-40 seconds into the video. I don't think that sight could ever get old!
(My belly doesn't have spots all over it. It only has a couple of freckles. I don't know why it looks like that in the video.)
Glad your blogging again! Brantley is quite the kicker!