Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Take the Good with the Bad

Good news from the doctor today! We are dilated to 3cm and 80% effaced. She feels pretty confident he will be here soon. The only bad thing is she wants to induce if he's not here by Monday, January 7th. So we're really hoping he comes on his own.

The hardest thing about this pregnancy has been my inability to share when I am in pain or very uncomfortable with my husband because of his problems. I have to always pretend everything is just fine because he needs my help for his own care. I have to push through every contraction, backache, and dizzy spell so I can care for him. There have been a few times that I have not been able to continue without resting, but for the most part I mask everything, put on my big girl panties, and go until I physically cannot go anymore. I sometimes feel like a single mom going through it alone with a child to care for on a daily basis. Don't get me wrong. There are days he doesn't need much help from me. But there are days he needs my undivided attention and assistance nonstop. It can be physically and emotionally draining when I am feeling horrible myself.

The upside to all of this is our constant interaction with each other has allowed him to be very involved every step of the way throughout this pregnancy. It has not been "my" pregnancy. It has truly been "our" pregnancy. How incredibly lucky I feel for that!!

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